Given a task of finding nth largest term in an unsorted array by obeying following rules ...
- You cannot sort an array
- You cannot use a single library function (No API calls are allowed)
- A separate copy of array should not be created
This can be easily implemented using a stack where we will start filling the stack with the smallest element, such that at the end we will get largest term at the top.
1. accept array elements
2. determine the minimum element from the array
3. insert it into the stack
4. repeat step 2 & 3 until stack contains all elements of array
5. accept nth position from the user, say x
6. return the element which is stored at the x position
7. display the result
8. stop
where " imin " stores index of the minimum element.
In case you want *.jar file then download it from here
1. accept array elements
2. determine the minimum element from the array
3. insert it into the stack
4. repeat step 2 & 3 until stack contains all elements of array
5. accept nth position from the user, say x
6. return the element which is stored at the x position
7. display the result
8. stop
Psuedo code for finding minimum element in an array
imin <-- 0;
for ( i <-- 0; i < arr.length;
i++) {
imin <-- i;
for (j <-- 0; j <
arr.length; j++) {
if( a[j]
< a[imin] ){
imin <-- j;
package Kthlargestterm; import java.util.Scanner; //@author Naved Momin( public class KthLargestTerm { static int[] a; static Scanner s = new Scanner(; static int counter = 0; static StackUsingLL stack = new StackUsingLL(); public KthLargestTerm(int size) { a = new int[size]; } int getMin( ){ int imin = 0; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { imin = i; for (int j = 0; j < a.length; j++) { if( a[j] < a[imin] ){ imin = j; } } } int k = a[imin]; a[imin] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; return k; } static void getData( ){ System.out.println( "enter size "); int n = s.nextInt(); KthLargestTerm kth = new KthLargestTerm(n); System.out.println( "enter data "); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { a[i] = s.nextInt(); } int min = kth.getMin(); int c = 0; while ( min != Integer.MAX_VALUE && c < n ) { if(!stack.contains(min)) stack.insert(min); min = kth.getMin(); c++; } System.out.println( "enter nTh position to view nth largest term "); int m = s.nextInt(); while (m != -1) { if( m >= 0 ) { int item = stack.getItem(m); String str = (m == 1) ? "st" : (m==2) ? "nd" : (m == 3 ) ? "rd" : "th"; System.out.println( m + str + " largest term is " + item ); } System.out.println( "press -1 to exit or press any key to continue..."); m = s.nextInt(); if( m != -1 ){ System.out.println( "enter nTh position to view nth largest term "); m = s.nextInt(); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO code application logic here getData(); } } class Node{ int data; Node next; } public class StackUsingLL { Node top ; static int insertAccount = 1; public boolean isempty( ){ if( top == null ){ return true; }else return false; } public void insert( int x ){ Node newrec = new Node(); = x; = null; if( top == null ){ top = newrec; }else{ = top; top = newrec; } insertAccount++; } public int delete( ){ if( isempty() ){ System.out.println( "stack empty" ); return -1; } else{ int x =; top =; return x; } } public boolean hasNext( ){ if( top != null ){ return true; } else{ return false; } } public boolean contains( int min ){ boolean val = false; Node p = top; while ( p != null ) { if( stackTop( ) == min ){ val = true; break; } else val = false; p =; } return val; } public int getItem( int index ){ if( index <= insertAccount ){ int i = 1; int d = -1; Node p = top; while (p != null) { if( index == i ){ d =; break; } i++; p =; } return d; }else{ System.err.println( "index was out of range ..."); return -1; } } public int stackTop(){ return; } public void display( ){ if( isempty() ) System.out.println( "stack empty"); else{ Node p = top; while (p != null) { System.out.println( + " "); p =; } } } }
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